Saturday, May 29, 2010

Body for Life - Basics of the diet plan that made all the difference

So here's the basics: (Just read the book you lazy bum, it's short and to the point.)

   1.) Eat every 2-3 hours.
   2.) Every time you eat, make it balanced. Part protein, part carb. And get in your veggies.
   3.) Drink enough water.
   4.) Whatever food you're eating (healthy or splurging) only eat 1 portion at a time.


Take a look at the Body-for-Life food list.(Protein= lean meats, cottage cheese, protein snacks, etc and Carbs=starchy vegetables, fruits, anything whole grain). Then for each meal, take a size of your fist carb, a size of your fist of protein, throw in veggies of your liking (at least 2 a day), and 1 healthy fat a day.
Don't eat food that you don't like. This is FOR LIFE, not for "until I can't stomach it anymore"

My favorites: fajitas, spaghetti, stirfy, omelets, green chili/enchilada, soups, cottage cheese w/fruit, protein bars/shakes (count as a carb and protein), and stuffed baked potatoes.

It's not hard either. Just do your best everyday listen to your body, push yourself, and enjoy it! Move on. Cardio= a good 20minutes of INTERVALLING (start by walking and push yourself up and up until you're out of breath, then walk again. Repeat). Alternate cardio days with weight lifting days, and alternate your weight lifting days upper body and lower body.

Mon- Treadmill/elliptical/bike
Tues- Upper body (1 set each of biceps, triceps, shoulders, back, chest)
Thurs- Lower body (1 set each of quads, hamstrings, calves, abs)
Fri- treadmill/elliptical/bike
Sat- Upper body

OH! That reminds me! After 6 days you get a free day. Yes, a free day. To not work out, lounge all day, and eat whatever you crave. Ice cream, beer and pizza, Stella's burgers, french silk pie, whatever! I only treat myself that that 7th free day, though IF I had a good week and religiously followed my diet and working out.

Body-for-Life Worksheets - To keep yourself on track. If you're anything like me, you'll need them to keep from cheating!

No matter if you're trying to slim down, improve your cholesterol or blood pressure, gain weight, stay nourished after a gastric bypass, gain weight, keep your energy up through the day, or just want to think of eating in a healthy way, this method is GREAT!

1.) Eat every 2-3 hours.
2.) Every time you eat, make it balanced. Part protein, part carb. And get in your veggies.
3.) Drink enough water.
4.) Whatever food you're eating (healthy or splurging) only eat 1 portion at a time.

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